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Sacrifice | Thursday, January 30 | Day Four: Consecration Week 2025

January 27, 2025 5:03 AM
Sacrifice | Thursday, January 30 | Day Four: Consecration Week 2025

As you begin these devotions, we suggest keeping a journal with you to record your thoughts, what stands out to you, and what you hear from the Lord.  

Morning Meditation: Sacrifice to God  


Focus Scripture: Romans 12:1 
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship." 


Start your day by considering what it means to fully surrender to God. Reflect on any actions, habits, or material attachments in your life that may be feeding your flesh and pulling your heart away from Jesus.  


Ask yourself: 

  • Is there something I need to lay on the altar today to deepen my affection for Christ?  


Prayer Prompt: 

  • Pray for discernment to identify areas in your life that hinder your relationship with Jesus.  
  • Ask for the courage and strength to surrender those things as an offering to Him.  
  • Pray for the church, nations, and the next generation to embrace the mindset of Christ-like sacrifice.  


Your prayer could start with: “Lord, I am grateful that you continuously reveal the areas of my life I need to surrender to you. Help me release anything that draws my heart away from you as I go through my day. I ask that your Holy Spirit transform me, my family, my friends, and my church into those who live sacrificially for you.”  


Throughout the day, intentionally evaluate your actions and choices. When you notice something that distracts you from Jesus, pause and offer it up to Him in prayer. Share with a family member or friend one way you are sacrificing to honor God and encourage them to join you.  

Evening Meditation: Sacrificing What Limits Your Affection for Christ 


Focus Scripture: Luke 9:23 
"Then he said to them all: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.'” 


As the day ends, reflect on the areas where self-denial and sacrifice might be needed to draw closer to Jesus. Consider how denying yourself—whether by giving up a habit, an item, or an attitude—can lead to a greater love for Him.  


Ask yourself: 

  • What did I cling to today that I need to release for the sake of my relationship with Christ? 


Prayer Prompt: 

  • Thank God for revealing areas in your life where sacrifice is necessary.  
  • Pray for His help in letting go of anything that feeds your flesh and hinders your spiritual growth.  


Your prayer could start with: “Lord, you gave your life sacrificially so that I could know you as my savior, Lord, and friend. Would you help me to be sacrificial like you? I ask for discernment to see those things in my life that limit my growth in you. My family, friends, church, nations, and the next generation need you. Help us all be willing to do the work and sacrifice those things holding us back from more of you.”  


Write down in your journal one specific action, habit, or attachment that is limiting your affection for Jesus. Commit to surrendering it to God as a sacrifice and ask Him to fill the space it occupied with a deeper love for Him. 

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