Join the Harvest Work | Harvest | Week One
Make space in your group for people to share how they feel about the new year. Are they tentative? Hopeful? Full of goals and ambition? How did Sunday’s sermon add to their ideas about the new year?
Mission drift occurs when we forget what we were going after when we started. Mission drift leaves the church ignoring relational evangelism while pursuing personal growth, eager to share personal opinions with unbelievers but unwilling to have gospel conversations, and more critical of others’ efforts to share Jesus than prayerful about how we can share Him. Untreated mission drift causes our hearts to harden, our faith to hollow, and our church to hibernate.
The church is made for maturation, consecration, and mobilization. Jesus empowers us to grow up together in the gospel so that we will send out together for the gospel. We want to pray missionally, that Jesus will give us a greater hunger to go and send, because how we pray is how we move. Pray for one unbeliever to develop a relationship with in 2025. Pray for a new believer to disciple. Pray for a nations worker to send.
Discussion Questions
1. Do you know the “who” for any of those last three questions? Who is the unbeliever, the new believer, the nations worker?
2. Where are you experiencing mission drift?
Luke 10 After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. 2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
Read the passage aloud and leave a few minutes of quiet, asking the Holy Spirit to speak to each person. Follow that by asking these questions, allowing a few minutes of silence after each question.
• Who is the person/people who are going with you?
• What place around you is Jesus interested in going?
• Is God calling you to go anywhere? (This doesn’t have to involve moving; this could means your kid’s soccer team, a neighborhood event, etc)
• Can you commit to praying for God to send out workers?
Make space for everyone to talk about their experience with these prayer prompts. What is God asking of them right now? Who are they going with?
Pray together for God to send out workers and for a heart to be part of that in some way.