Waymaker.Church started with a simple idea: help four grandmothers in a dying church fight for the eternities of their grandkids. In February 1999, they hired Pastor Jon Dupin and his wife, Tammy, to bring new energy to this little country church in Lynchburg, Virginia. For the last 25 years, we’ve pursued the same goal as those grandmothers: generational impact.
In 2019, we changed our name from Brentwood Church to Waymaker.Church because we believe that our name should carry our calling. God is a Waymaker, and He has called us to be Waymakers too. That is why we remove obstacles and build bridges to make a way for people to be who God has created and called them to be.

At Waymaker.Church, we believe that we must pour out before we pour in. That’s why we give our time, energy, and resources to local and global outreach efforts. Our Outreach programs seek to mobilize Waymaker.Church to bring God’s glory to the nations, to endear our community with compassion, and to love and support foster and adoptive children and their families.

Waymaker.Church has always had the vision to reach the next generation. Over the years, that vision has grown into a mandate to develop and multiply leaders for the church, the community, and the nations. In 2019, we launched Waymaker Institute. At Waymaker Institute, you will learn from people with the tools and experience to equip you as you grow, mature, and find direction in your life. Waymaker Institute includes a gap year academic program that has transferable college credit, and internship and residency programs.

Our Mosaic Mandate was started to meet the needs of foster and adoptive children and their parents. We support this group of people through providing bags for those placed in foster care, delivering meals to those who take in a foster child, provide spaces for parents to find community, and more.